H ERE   is a selection of the incomparable poems of the Wesley brothers, the poetry of which is as sublime as it is heavenly, and breathes from the eternal Spirit who inspired their hearts. In this realm they have no betters and few, if any, equals.

    This is a collection of long-loved and new-found truth, 'treasures new and old', offered to lovers of Jesus our Lord.

    Throughout the land hearts cry out for the realities herein set forth, and these hymns give expression to the unspeakable yearnings within in a manner which is beautiful poetry and utmost piety unaided cannot be accomplished, for many have produced such hymns but have failed of that 'something' that so permeates the writings of the Wesleys as to place them in a class above all others.

    The difference surely lies in the fact that these hymns are born in revival, and come from the Spirit of Life then breathing through the land.

    Our Lord gave them to His Church, and wherever souls long for language of the Spirit these hymns will be sung by all so blessed as to known them.

    Could heart-cries be formed and frames in better words than these, or man declare his faith more gloriously?

    G. W. North.

    Exeter, October, 1968.

    This edition 1971.

    Hymns of Eternal Truth - Sherbourne Road Church Trust ©1971
    Copyright material used by permission.†
    Pages may be downloaded for personal use only . Hymns of Eternal Truth is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any other form, bound in a volume or cover, offered for sale, or uploaded to the Internet, without written permission from the copyright holders.


    † "The trustees are happy for the songs to be placed on your Christian website with the copyright stipulations" The Trustees are happy for the words and music of Spiritual Songs to be used with the following conditions:

    1) that any reproduction of words / music acknowledge that copyright is held by Sherborne Road Church Trust and that the permission of the trustees is to be granted before such reproduction
    2) the words / music are to be reproduced in their original form Sherborne Road Church Trust