• Hymns of Eternal Truth is available now in eBook format

    Click the link/s below to download an e-book version, then open the downloaded file to install it on your device.

    STANDARD Edition (Double Column . 11-04-24 )

    HYMNS of ETERNAL TRUTH (NEW).epub Hymns of Eternal Truth e-book Standard (updated)

    LARGE PRINT Edition (version 2.0. 15-09-23 )

    Hymns of Eternal Truth Large Print.epub HYMNS OF ETERNAL TRUTH Large Print (updated)
    Hymns of Eternal Truth Large Print.epub, 156KB

    The image below is from the Mac e-book reader (Books). As you can see the font can be changed along with the font size. Other e-book readers may look different and have different options.

    Image 15092023 at 14.31.jpg

    We would appreciated your feedback , especially if you find any mistakes in the hymns, format, spellings, etc.


    The images below are from Amazon Kindle for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. On other devices this may look different.

    To add ePub files to Kindle follow these instructions  

    Image 14-09-2023 at 00.36.jpg

