Forum Activity for @admin

12/24/21 09:16:18PM
33 posts

The first time that blood is mentioned in the Bible, the idea of drinking...

Quotes from G.W. North

“The first time that blood is mentioned in the Bible, the idea of drinking and not sprinkling was there; that the earth opened her mouth to receive the blood of Abel. ...we are to drink the New Covenant, and not degrade the precious blood by talking about sprinkling it here, there, and everywhere – using it as a talisman – instead of internally drinking in the life, and glory, and wonder, and marvels, of the soul of Jesus Christ. Amen. Once we do that we have no need to do the other thing. Praise His name. It was because they couldn’t do that in the Old Testament that they had to do the other thing. God save us from being copyists of the Old Covenant people who never knew any better.”
12/24/21 09:15:29PM
33 posts

There comes a time when Jesus Christ proffers us His blood not to cover us

Quotes from G.W. North

"There comes a time when Jesus Christ proffers us His blood not to cover us – not to cover us. I don’t want anybody ever to pray that prayer… if you pray that, if it’s in your vocabulary, then get rid of it! If you’re going to be in this New Covenant you’ve got to drink the blood – DRINK IT! DRINK IT! Glory!

Bless God. That cup is still held in the Holy Ghost – it can be held to any lip that wants to drink it.

Jesus… the One who came and gave you a hope of Life Eternal, by giving you new blood, and giving you a new hereditary! Hallejujah! For sin comes by hereditary. Amen! It comes by hereditary, beloved.

COVERED WITH THE BLOOD! – THE BLOOD OF GOD WAS NEVER SHED TO COVER ANYTHING! It was shed that it might be caught in that cup of the Holy Ghost, that we may drink it. Drink it, drink it, until we drink it with sensibility and understanding, and know what God is about in it!

TO CHANGE US, beloved, TO CHANGE US FROM THE INFERNAL SEED TO THE ETERNAL SEED OF GOD. That’s what it’s all about. That we might know that we can live a soul-life that’s not under the workings of indwelling sin (the inherited quality). So that we can know, beloved, we have inherited the glorious strain of life that’s known in the Godhead. Yes! That’s known in the Father, and in the Son, and in the Holy Ghost. Blessed be the name of the Lord. …you and I can inherit the life of the Sinless Man."

(From the message - The Blood of Christ in the New Covenant)
12/24/21 09:14:05PM
33 posts

Our salvation is a glorious experience...

Quotes from G.W. North

“Our salvation is a glorious experience of the wondrous person of Jesus! AMEN!!

That blessed sinless humanity. That marvelous man who never once submitted to the devil. Who never once was defeated in battle. Who never once gave in under the pressures of sin.

Who ..was so mighty, that He Himself could bear our sicknesses, and His health overcame all of them.


And He could take our death, and His life swallowed it up! And He could meet our enemies and in single-handed grace He could blight them all!

And this is that, that has been taken up to heaven and is now being poured out into us in measureless, boundless glory, by the person of the Holy Spirit. And His kingdom lies in [within] the Holy Ghost.”
12/24/21 09:13:10PM
33 posts

I guarantee to you beloved...

Quotes from G.W. North

"I guarantee to you beloved, that if you will drink of the Spirit... and come off churchianity and religious stuff - and come off all that, and drink of the Holy Ghost, you'll enter into all the fulness of that which is issuing from the throne, and God will become the Lord God Almighty of your life."
12/24/21 09:12:24PM
33 posts

Faith, faith, and faith isn't some sporadic, spasmodic leap

Quotes from G.W. North

"Faith, faith, and faith isn't some sporadic, spasmodic leap unto a position that you briefly hang onto like someone jumping up and getting hold of the parallel bar and hanging onto it for five minutes and dropping off. But faith is something that is like the swelling and surging of the flood of Noah's waters, bearing up the Ark.

Faith is something that often a man is not conscious of exercising.

Faith is something that I find, and testify to you, comes in the Spirit, it is a fruit of the Spirit - this kind of faith. It isn't something that I have to churn-up inside me in order to hang on for two minutes like the women who came and found healing on the robe of Christ. Touch and away! So vivid and powerful was the glory of Christ that she got what she was after. But Oh, faith as God means it it something that comes - this is my testimony to you - it isn't that a man becomes a great believer, it is what - I testify to you - it is something that comes over me and rises in me, and fills my being and consciousness that I can't think of anything else but the particular thing that's got to be done. And it's done!

"Must have great faith?" - get that idea out of your head - it's all in the Spirit!"
12/24/21 09:10:15PM
33 posts

People don't get filled with the Holy Ghost because...

Quotes from G.W. North

"People don't get filled with the Holy Ghost because they won't submit to being baptised by Jesus.

They'll say 'Jesus save me', 'Jesus forgive me', 'Jesus blot out all my sins', 'Jesus let me go to heaven when I died', 'Jesus let Thy blood speak for me'. Well what for? That blood is speaking for you the right to be filled with the Holy Spirit. That's what the blood is speaking for - the right to be filled with the Holy Ghost! Wonderful! And they will never be filled with the Spirit because they will not submit to Jesus baptising them with the Holy Ghost."
12/24/21 09:09:20PM
33 posts

The Holy Ghost has been demoted

Quotes from G.W. North

"The Holy Ghost has been demoted, the Holy Ghost has been rejected, by enlarge by the churches, in favour of Jesus! ...

The Holy Ghost has not come to take the place of Jesus and take the place in your heart that Jesus ought to have. Of course He hasn't. But He has come, beloved, you see, and in this great effort to keep Jesus before our eyes and hearts, we've been put off the great person of the Holy Spirit.

May God bring us all back here, beloved. For we've got to come back into this place. What we've got to be very careful about is that we don't resist the Spirit. We do it quite ignorantly."
12/24/21 09:08:35PM
33 posts

the Blood of Jesus speaks in Mount Zion

Quotes from G.W. North

"...the Blood of Jesus speaks in Mount Zion where the glorious Christ mediates the Holy Spirit in unending love to bring us all back up into the image of God. The blood of sprinkling speaks to God and His answer is the outpoured Spirit. Where the Spirit dwelleth no protection is needed, for the Spirit is as the Blood and Him Who shed it. He is the Spirit of the life in Christ Jesus, even the life that was in the Blood, the exact life. Being filled with the Spirit I am filled with all that the Blood stands for; there is no difference, none at all. Now I have no need to find a form of speech for the Blood, instead I have the name. Jesus was the name given to that man of flesh and blood, and when I both bear and use it in all propriety and power, it carries all the virtue and meaning of the Blood to whatever need I have."
12/24/21 09:07:27PM
33 posts

The early church did not have a Bible

Quotes from G.W. North

"The early church did not have a Bible to read or to study, but they knew how to pray. Prayer was before the Bible was."
12/24/21 09:06:36PM
33 posts

God's gospel is all about sonship

Quotes from G.W. North

"God's gospel is all about sonship through the grace of the Father and the Son, the Father to give, the Son to die, and the Spirit for life, human-divine life for the sons of God."